One of the most luxurious Caribbean beach villas. The location is unparalleled with weather warm all-year-round, turquoise blue crystal clear water, and the sea breeze keeps blowing all day long. It is a low-priced and affordable alternative. Condominiums in this establishment are built near the beach, and offer magnificent views of the vast, glorious ocean. Each condo has three bedrooms, three and a half washrooms, and a den. In addition to this, there’s one breakfast room, a dining room, a living room, and a patio. Also is has fully-equipped kitchen, which allows the owner to further exercise and improve his cooking prowess. Beachfront swimming pool, oceanfront owner's lounge, health center, Central air-conditioning, cable TV, washer & dryer, refrigerator, microwave and an electric oven are some other much-appreciated features this Condomium possesses.